Holden Hohaia
Ngāti Maru, Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika
Holden is currently general manager for Māori Partnerships at Manaaki Whenua (Landscape Research). His background and qualifications are in law and communication as a certified Māori Language Interpreter. Holden has been a trustee for multiple boards including Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o te Ika, Te Aro Papakainga and Opau Urupā. He has been on Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru Trust for eight years and Chair for five of those. Holden’s focus and contribution to Ngāti Maru is to facilitate open and honest communication amongst ourselves as a collective, and to foster leadership amongst others. Holden’s priorities this year have been to help set up the PSGE Te Kāhui Maru Trust, as well as the commercial board and all the systems and processes needed with input from our Marae and our uri. This was a focus because, as a new entity, Holden believes we need to make sure those new systems are robust and fit for the future. His aspirations for his iwi is to be constantly growing, learning and strengthening connections to each other, to our whenua and taiao and to our culture, reo and our unique Maru stories.
Kia tū tiketike a Ngāti Maru!