Bronwyn Koroheke
Te Atiawa, Ngāti Maru ki Taranaki, Ngāti Maniapoto (through marriage)
Bronwyn is passionate about Māori revitalisation in the forms of te reo Māori, economic development, iwi development and kaitiakitanga of the whenua for both Ngāti Maru and Māori.
She is the founding partner for Whariki Business Service, a Māori consultancy business that provides financial and accounting services in the Waikato. She has a Master of Business Administration, and is a qualified Chartered Accountant recently receiving an acknowledgement from the profession for 25 Years’ Service. She is currently the Finance & Operations Manager for Toimata Foundation – an organisation that specialises in the Enviroschool space and taiao.
Her background includes working as the Chief Financial Officer with Māori Television and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. In addition to being a trustee of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru Trust, she also holds governance roles as chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, trustee for the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, trustee for Forestry Emissions Unit Trust, the Ministry for Environment, Waipa Council and most recently appointed to the Board of Tui Ora Ltd. Her knowledge and expertise coupled with her education and governance roles bring a strong presence of financial governance for Ngāti Maru.
A 2022 highlight for Bronwyn was the final reading and settlement of our Treaty Negations with the Crown. Her priorities have been to continue:
- To build on a strong foundation of business and financial acumen in relation to the commercial activities of Te Kāhui Maru Trust with a view to ensuring sufficient funding in advancing our strategic priorities for our uri. As well as
- supporting the Chair and fellow Trustees along with our CEO as we move in the operational aspects of transitioning post settlement.
- involved in the transition and due diligence of our recent purchase in the education sector – Private Training Enterprise – Feats Ltd.
- focusing on our governance processes and striving for ‘best practice’ in delivering on our strategic priorities for our uri, by Chairing the Remuneration and Audit & Risk Committee.
Bronwyn’s aspirations for Ngāti Maru include the revival of our reo, tikanga and cultural sites of significance and housing along with a properous uri who are able to move forward in asserting our tino rangātiratanga over our whenua and coming together as one for future generations.